My Dearest Pupils Are in Front of the Gymnasium

My Dearest Pupils Are in Front of the Gymnasium

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Five Years Have Passed After Finishing School

Five Years Have Passed After Finishing School

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My First Pupils Are My Best Teaching Experience

My First Pupils Are My Best Teaching Experience

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School Days Are the Best Days in Our Life

School Days Are the Best Days in Our Life

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My Pupils Are Waiting for Their Lesson in Our Classroom

My Pupils Are Waiting for Their Lesson in Our Classroom

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Level: Beginning +

Provides Practice of: speaking, listening, writing, reading

Grammar: any chosen by the student or teacher

Vocabulary: any chosen by the student or teacher

My Neighbour’s Cat Is (for Fun)



a) Explain the concept of a simile (i.e., words or phrases connected by “like” or “as” that suggest a similarity between two dissimilar items); differentiate similes from metaphors (i.e., the latter do not use “like” or “as”)

American Slang Expressions

  1.  Write slang terms on one set of index cards and definitions on a second set of index cards.
  2. Give each student a slang card and also give each student a non-matching definition card; after giving students the meanings of the slang terms, have them walk around to try to find the matches for the cards they have in their hands.
  3. Arrange three dozen (36) of the cards – half slang terms and half matching definitions – and arrange them facedown on a desk top in completely random order.  Have students play a game of “Concentration”, instructions for which follow at the end of this document.

English Expressions: Anatomical Idioms and Miscellaneous Idioms

The following expressions are idioms that use part of the body.

The actual meaning is noted in parentheses.

1) Stay on your toes.  (Remain alert)

2) You are pulling my leg.  (You are not telling me the truth.)