The Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada
The term “diaspora” means those Ukrainians who reside abroad. Nowadays every third Ukrainian lives beyond Ukraine. The greatest number of people of the Ukrainian origin (almost 2 million) live in the USA; one million people live in Canada and half a million live in Poland and Romania.
The first Ukrainians came to Canada on the 7th of September, 1891. They were Ivan Pylypiv and Vasyl Jelenyak from the village of Nebylin. Their life in this country was very difficult because they were often discriminated and exploited. These first immigrants were illiterate Ukrainian peasants and they mostly went in for farming.
The second and third waves consisted of better educated people, who began to work in various sectors of Canadian economy.
The last wave of the Ukrainian immigrants to Canada are well educated people, who have graduated from colleges and universities. So they work in business or industry, services or universities. The Canadian Ukrainians try to preserve their cultural traditions. There are many Ukrainian churches, amateur art groups, community centres and museums, which preserve Ukrainian cultural legacy.
The Ukrainian language is taught at 12 universities and at some schools. There are several Ukrainian publishing houses in the country, too. In Canada there are monuments to such prominent Ukrainians as Taras Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, Ivan Franko and Vasyl Stephanyk.
The Ukrainian community in Canada is one of the largest and best organized communities in the country.
Country Study Test 9
Variant I
Guess what country is spoken about:
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
- It is an island country.
- It contains four provinces.
- The National Day is January 26.
- It has a population of about 4 million.
- It is the 6th largest country in the world.
- It has an area or nearly 10 mln. sq. km.
- The head of the state is the Queen of Britain.
- It is the only country that occupies a complete continent.
- Summer is December through February and winter is June through August.
- It exports many minerals.
- English and Maori are both official languages.
Guess what country is spoken about:
Country Study Test 8
Complete the sentences
- The Dominion of Canada contains … provinces.
- It is a …flag containing in the centre a white square with a single … leaf.
- … and … are the official colors of Canada.
- … 1st is Canada Day.
- It has an area of nearly … sq. km. and population about … mln.
- Canada has two official languages … and … .
- Canada has … land regions.
- Canada is a … country, but its climate varies dramatically.
- Canada is a democracy ….
- The head of the state is …
- Canada is a … state.
- Parliament consists of …, …, and … .
- The Senate has … members.
- The House of Commons is the major … body.
- It has … members.
Task 4. Little Ann
Ann is little. She has many toys: a top, a doll and a flag. Her top is on the desk. Her doll is very big and good. It is in the box. The box is on the bed. Ann’s dress is on the bed too. Ann’s flag is little and red. It is in her left hand.
- Ann is big.
- She has many toys: a top, a doll and a flag.
- Her top is on the bed.
- Ann’s doll is nice and little.
- The doll is in the bag.
- The doll is in the box.
- The box is on the desk.
- Ann’s dress is on the bed.
- Ann’s flag is big and red.
- The flag is in her right hand.
- The flag is in her left hand.
English texts for listening and reproduction (Photocopiable) = Збірник текстів для аудіювання в 5-11 класах загальноосвітніх шкіл зі сторінками для копіювання/ Упоряд. Л.Б. Крамаренко. – Х.:Веста: Видавництво “Ранок”, 2003. – С. 5
Звернення до Бога в інавгураційних промовах американських президентів
У сучасному суспільстві значну роль відіграє політична комунікація. Ми розглядаємо політичний дискурс як опосередкований певною соціокультурною традицією спосіб комунікації. Одним з видів політичної комунікації як усної форми політичного дискурсу є інавгураційна промова. Інавгураційні промови є визначними не лише з соціокультурної та історичної точки зору, але й з лінгвістичної: вони є яскравим прикладом мови народу, адже насичені не лише великою кількістю зворотів та метафор, граматичних структур, але також, що нам особливо цікаво, зверненнями до Бога.