Category Archives: ЗНО

Describing the Person Who Has Influenced Your Life the Most

   I don’t know who has influenced my life most, but I think this person is my father. His name is Vadym Nykonenko. I’ve known him since my childhood.
   He has broad shoulders, dark hair, green eyes. He is handsome, but very tall and thin. He is always well-groomed and his clothes are always tidy. But his character is not very good. On the one hand he is sociable, gay, persistent, straightforward, confident, forceful and witty. On the other hand he is arrogant, anxious, aggressive, impulsive, some times lazy and stubborn. So am I. He was interested in watching TV, making things with his own hands, repairing bicycles, motorbikes.
   I lived with this person for some years. I love him very much. But at the same time I hate him because he has left me. But while living with him, he taught me how not to be afraid of problems. He taught me how to laugh at funny films and stories, how to be positive in life. I’m very thankful to him for it, I’ll never forget it. But I’ll never forgive him leaving me!

Being the Only Child in the Family

 These opinion essays were written by Alla Nykonenko, a school-leaver of Varva Gymnasium in 2009

ЗНО 2012

Мясоєдова С. В. М99 Зовнішнє оцінювання (підготовка). Англійська мова. Експрес-підготовка / С. В. Мясоєдова. — К.: Літера ЛТД, 2012. — 288 с.


1. Євчук О. В., Доценко І. В. Англійська мова. Довідник + тести. Повний повторювальний курс

2. І. В. Доценко, О. В. Євчук, С. В. Мясоєдова, О. О. Ходаковська. Англійська мова. Комплексне видан.

+ Підручники британських видавництв, які підходять для підготовки до ЗНО

ЗНО 2014

Доценко І. В. Д 55 Англійська мова. Комплексне видання / І. В. Доценко, О. В. Євчук, О. О. Ходаковська.— К.: Літера ЛТД, 2014. — 304 с. — (Зовнішнє незалежне оцінювання).