Country Study Test 5

The USA.  Variant I

Complete the sentences:

  1. The USA does not have a national …
  2. America’s young people are mostly …
  3. American young people prefer such kinds of sports as …
  4. Most American youths look forward to their future with…
  5. In the USA of today … is the most popular spectator sport.
  6. …, …. are American in origin.
  7. American film studios are …
  8. My favourite Hollywood star is …
  9. Disneyland became an international …. of America.
  10.  There is the Hall of Fame, which displays models of all…
  11. The first National Park of America is …

Variant II

Complete the sentences:

  1. There are … tests for high school students who wish to attend a college or university.
  2. Many Americans have ….
  3. Scouts’ favourite activity is …
  4. At leisure students spend much time …., ….
  5. … is now in the second place (kind of sport).
  6. The popular winter sports are…
  7. The greatest cartoon maker is…
  8. In the famous Chinese Theatre in Hollywood visitors can see …
  9. Disney World in … is the biggest amusement resort in the world.
  10. Disney Water Parks are the most amazing ….. on the planet.
  11. Every year …. Americans visit their National Parks.

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