Task 9. The Daughter of the Frost

   The sun had three daughters: the eldest was Autumn, the middle was Summer and the youngest was Spring. They led a merry life in their father’s home. But then it was time to send them to the Earth. The Sun’s children were to become the seasons. First to fly was Spring. She was so pretty and young. When sending her on her journey the Sun decided to make her a present of eternal youth. Three months later the Sun sent Summer to the Earth. The father decided to make her a present of eternal beauty. And at last it was time for Autumn to leave her father’s house. “Take all my wealth”, the Sun told her. “I give you all the gold I have; be kind, give people all you have, and people will love you”.
   On the other side of the world Winter, the only daughter of Frost was getting ready for her journey. Her father worried about her. She was a plain girl. She had no rich clothes, because the father couldn’t give her any presents. Frost got together all the wealth he had and it was just a handful of silver. Winter stepped on to the Earth. It became cold. The birds flew away. People put on warm clothes and hurried to the shelter of their houses. No one asked Winter into his or her houses. Winter started to work. She made little snowflakes and tossed them to the sky, and the snowflakes started to fall slowly down on the Earth. The Earth was changing. She threw all her silver on the Earth. The silver mixed with the snow and began to sparkle. The icicles were talking to each other like bells. And the drawings Winter made on the windows were like a work of art. All over the Earth people began to talk about Winter and started to wait for her to come, because the best present Winter gave them was Christmas.
eternal youth – вічна молодість
shelter – сховище
to toss – кидати
to sparkle – блищати

Mark the right statements “True” and the wrong ones “False”.
Variant I
1. The Sun had five daughters.
2. The eldest daughter was spring.
3. They had a difficult life in their father’s home.
4. Then it was time to send them to the Earth.
5. First to fly was summer.
6. Spring was so pretty and young.
7. The Sun decided to make her a present of eternal youth.
8. Three months later the Sun sent summer to the Earth.
9. The father decided to make her a present of eternal youth.
10. At last it was time for Spring to leave her father’s house.
11. Father gave her nothing.

Variant II
1. The Sun was going to give Autumn all the gold he had.
2. The only daughter of Frost was Winter.
3. She was an intelligent girl.
4. She had rich clothes, and father gave her a lot of presents.
5. Frost got together all the wealth he had and it was just a handful of silver.
6. Winter stepped on to the Earth. It became warm.
7. People put on raincoats and hurried to the rest camps.
8. Everybody wanted Winter to come into his house.
9. The silver mixed with the snow and began to sparkle.
10. The drawings on the windows were like a work of music.
11. Then people enjoyed winter because of Christmas.

English texts for listening and reproduction (Photocopiable) = Збірник текстів для аудіювання в 5-11 класах загальноосвітніх шкіл зі сторінками для копіювання/ Упоряд. Л.Б. Крамаренко. – Х.:Веста: Видавництво “Ранок”, 2003. – С. 68-69

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