Country Study Test 4

1. There is no real national press in the USA as there are more than ___ newspapers published in 34 languages.
a) 38
b) 85
c) 58
d) 48

2.There exist ___main groups of newspapers: qualities and popular.
a) five
b) three
c) two
d) one

3.Only 2 or 3 newspapers with the largest circulation tell ____about some rumours or crimes.
a) their players
b) their readers
c) their editors
d) their painters

4.____contain only reliable serious information.
a) Quality newspapers
b) Tabloids
c) Magazines
d) Quality newspapers and tabloids

5.The main function of press in____ is to give objective informa­tion.
a) Italy
b) Russia
c) Ukraine
d) America

6.There is also no ____information for the press.
a) secret
b) interesting
c) boring
d) exciting

7.The information is usually taken from_____.
a) The Magazines
b) The streets
c) The News Agencies
d) The TV News

8.There also exist about ____domestic and foreign news bureaus in the USA.
a) 322
b) 221
c) 122
d) 121

9.There are over 4000 monthly and 1300 weekly ____in the USA.
a) TV news
b) journals
c) newspapers
d) magazines

10.America is on ____place in the world by the books, published and read.
a) the 3rd
b) the 9th
c) the 5th
d) the 8th

11.Most newspapers and magazines publish chapters from the books of ____authors.
a) popular
b) young
c) old
d) famous

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