The Most Useful 2000 Words in English

   These are the most common 2000 words in English. They are the most useful words for your study of English because you will meet them very often. You cannot learn English without them!! You have no choice but to learn these words if you wish to learn even basic English. However, you probably already know most of these words. Look through this list and underline any words and phrases you do not know. There are no numbers, days and months in this list.

Be very careful of 2 things

   Because you may know the word as a verb does not mean you know the noun remember that there are word family members to learn too. E.g. help –> helps, helping, helped, helpful, helpless, unhelpful etc.

sthg = something s/one = someone s/where = somewhere
to buy (sthg) means ‘to buy’ or ‘to buy something’
to meet (s/one) means ‘to meet’ or ‘to meet someone’
to agree (with s/one) means ‘to agree’ or ‘to agree with someone’
to teach (sthg (to s/one)) means ‘to teach’, ‘to teach someone’; ‘to teach something’ or ‘to teach something to someone’

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