Monthly Archives: Січень 2016

Роль самоврядування в учнівському колективі

     Одним із актуальних завдань школи є виховання особистості, яка володіє не тільки певною сумою знань, умінь і навичок, а й здатна активно включатись у демократичні процеси, що відбуваються в нашій країні, людини, яка вміє самостійно проектувати власне життя, визначаючи його стратегію відповідно до особистих уявлень про навколишнє середовище та способи взаємодії з ним.

Television. Demo Lesson


Level – intermediate

Topic. Television. Demo Lesson


Practical (skills-forming): to teach students listening comprehension, speaking on the topic, answering questions on the content of the text.

Writing Informal Letters

– I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but…
– Thank you very much for your letter…
– I am grateful…
– Many thanks…
– I would like to thank you…
– What a surprise it was to get a letter from you after all this time.
– I was very sorry to hear …
– I feel sure that you will be interested to know…
The reason for your letter
– I shall get straight to the point…
– Anyway…
Additional information
– There is one further point…
– By the way…
– I would like to inform you…
– I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
– Do keep in touch.
– Let me know whether/ when/where/how…
– I would be grateful if you would…
– Please be so kind as to…
– That’s all for now.
– Write soon.
– Give my regards to…
– All the best.
– Yours, …
– Your friend, …
– Yours respectfully, …
– Best wishes, …
– Regards, …
– With love, …
– Love, …

Writing Formal Letters

– Dear Ms Dutton, (when you know the person’s name)
– Dear Sir or Madam (when you don’t know the person’s name)
– Thank you for your letter of…
– I am writing with reference to your letter of …
– I would definitely like to go on the course.
Personal information
Formal ending
– I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
– I sincerely hope you will be able to help me in this matter.
– I should greatly appreciate an early reply.
– Please accept our sincere apologies for the trouble this mistake has caused you.
– We apologize sincerely for the trouble caused to you, and will take all possible steps to ensure that such a mistake does not occur.
The subscription
– Yours sincerely, (if you started your letter Dear Ms Dutton)
– Yours faithfully, (if you started your letter Dear Sir or Madam)
Your signature
Print your name clearly

Three Men in a Boat

Agree or disagree

  1. I woke up at eight o’clock the next morning.
  2. At that time Harris had rooms in the house of a lady called Mrs. Gippings.
  3. One morning his watch stopped at ten o’clock.
  4. This happened in spring, so it was dark in the morning.
  5. When George woke up, he looked at his watch. It was a quarter past eight.
  6. George took his watch and ran upstairs. The dining-room was dark and silent.
  7. George was very angry with Mrs. Gippings.
  8. The front door was unlocked.
  9. There were many people about in the street and shops were open.
  10. George could see only three people: a policeman, a man, who was taking vegetables to the market and one was a taxi-driver.
  11. George asked the taxi-driver what time it was.